How To Network Confidently and Effectively at Events

Networking is a great way to raise your business profile and get new clients or build relationships in your professional career. You have to remember that although your skills get your through the door, hard work is not enough to grow your brand you have to build relationships. Here are a few tips on how to work a room and network effectively:

  • If you don't know where to start then I would recommend that you undertake some research into different types of events that would suit you. Start small and work your way up to bigger events.
  • Traditionally some people may think that networking is going to an event with lots of people, talking AT each other and exchanging cards but this approach rarely works and is probably why so many people struggle with it. There are so many different types of business events that you can network at which can make an impact on your business.
  • Be interested as well as interesting - ask questions that lead to meaningful conversations not just sales conversions.
  • It is a brand and relationship building exercise, by building strong relationships you can enhance your brand recognition and open new doors of opportunity for yourself and others. Make sure you go with the intention to keep in touch with those your connect with, which also means that you do not have to collect every single business card in the room - focus on quality over quantity.
  • One thing that you will need is confidence, even if you are nervous about attending an event for the first time if you can build your confidence you can overcome those nerves and make the most out of your networking experience.
  • Dress comfortably and appropriately for the event that you are attending but stand out - you don't have to wear a ball gown or 3 piece suit to stand out but you can add your own touch of authenticity to an outfit. The more comfortable you are with your appearance the more confident you will be.

In this video I provide you with some straightforward steps that you can use to network effectively at business events. 

What have been your networking experiences? Leave a comment below after you have watched this video if you have any questions on how networking can raise your business profile.


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